AMBOSS users score 10.4 points higher on Step 2 CK
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Students who used AMBOSS as a primary, standalone resource for Step 2 CK got higher scores than students who used other Qbanks.
Survey based on 1,985 fourth year medical students from 159 US medical schools

10.4 points higher than other Qbank users
Students who answered 3,200 questions in AMBOSS saw the greatest increase in their Step 2 CK scores—they scored 10.4 points higher than students who did not use AMBOSS.
download paper2.1 points higher than UWorld users
Students who used only AMBOSS as their Qbank scored 2.1 points higher than those who used only UWorld, 13 points higher than those who used only USMLE Rx, and 13.6 points higher than those who used only BoardVitals.
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AMBOSS is the go-to resource for the clinical years of med school
We asked students how AMBOSS helped them honor their clerkships and improve Shelf exam performance.
Surgery Shelf
Equated percent correct score

"The AMBOSS Qbank is awesome. I used it to study for my surgery subject board and I made one of the highest scores in the class."
Chavez Scott, MD, Class of 2018, Meharry Medical College

"I used AMBOSS as my primary resource to prepare for my surgery shelf exam, and am quite happy with my score (96th percentile!)! AMBOSS is a fantastic resource for medical students preparing for their exams."
M.D./Ph.D. Student, Class of 2018, Icahn school of Medicine at Mount Sinai

"AMBOSS absolutely helped me for the neuro Shelf. It is by far the highest grade that I've gotten on the 5 shelf exams that I've taken so far in medical school."
M.D. Student, Class of 2019, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

"Wanted you guys to know I scored the highest I have on any shelf thus far (95th percentile) by using your questions for Neurology. Hoping Family Medicine goes the same way! Thanks!"
M.D. Student, Class of 2019, Creighton University of School Medicine
Neuro Shelf
Equated percent correct score

As well as being a Step 2 & Shelf Qbank, AMBOSS is the “medical Google” in your pocket.
AMBOSS is the essential resource for med students and residents. See what Dr. Osose Oboh, Internal Medicine Resident, has to say about it in this video.
You love scoring higher,
we love guiding you there.
Surveys sent to 6,000+ medical students at 159 US medical schools since 2018 are the foundation for our research into AMBOSS usage and scoring.
Verified USMLE® Step 1 and Step 2 CK reports, as well as self-reported Equated Percent Correct scores for the NBME® Surgery and Clinical Neurology Subject Exams were correlated with individual AMBOSS platform statistics. These statistics include the number of exam-style multiple-choice questions completed and articles read. The level of AMBOSS activity among survey participants ranges from no activity to the completion of 5,000+ exam-style questions.
While exams are important, scores only represent one element of residency applications and other career opportunities. AMBOSS strives to help students in many areas of medical excellence, from knowledge building to providing excellent patient care and more. Always remember that your score does not define you or the type of doctor that you will be.
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